Bayonet Lore Price, Patterns, Float & Trade Guide
The Bayonet Lore is a coveted knife skin in CS2, featuring a gold and black color scheme with intricate designs reminiscent of mythical tales.
Designed by Valve, the Bayonet Lore showcases the developer's attention to detail and commitment to high-quality skin aesthetics.
This skin was released on June 15, 2016, as part of the Gamma Exposure update, adding a touch of legend to players' arsenals.
Notable Players
The Bayonet Lore has been wielded by notable player 'Sob', among others, who have showcased its beauty in competitive play.
Bayonet Lore Price History
Professional Players
Menampilkan hasil 1 hingga 2 dari 2
1 - 2 dari 2 hasil
Other Bayonet Skins
Menampilkan hasil 1 hingga 10 dari 25
1 - 10 dari 25 hasil