Karambit Safari Mesh Price, Patterns, Float & Trade Guide
The Karambit Safari Mesh is a CS2 skin with a camo pattern, designed for stealth and style in-game.
Originally released in 2013, it's a classic skin that has been a part of players' inventories for years.
Created by Valve, the Karambit Safari Mesh showcases their attention to detail and game aesthetics.
This skin isn't part of any specific collection, making it a unique standalone piece in CS2.
The skin debuted during The Arms Deal update, marking its significance in CS2's skin history.
Notable Players
Favored by player 'mds' for its design, the Karambit Safari Mesh has seen competitive play.
Karambit Safari Mesh Price History
Professional Players
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1 - 1 dari 1 hasil
Other Karambit Skins
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1 - 10 dari 25 hasil