Flip Knife Fade Price, Patterns, Float & Trade Guide
The Flip Knife Fade is a coveted skin with a gradient of vibrant colors, resembling a metallic rainbow finish.
Designed by Valve, this skin was released on August 14, 2013, as part of The Arms Deal update.
Its design features a smooth transition from a deep purple to pink and yellow, ending in a light blue tip.
Notable Players
Pro player 'xse' has been known to wield the Flip Knife Fade in competitive matches.
Flip Knife Fade Price History
Professional Players
Menampilkan hasil 1 hingga 2 dari 2
1 - 2 dari 2 hasil
Other Flip Knife Skins
Menampilkan hasil 1 hingga 10 dari 25
1 - 10 dari 25 hasil