Total Returns on all Counter-Strike Major Sticker Sales

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The Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) community has seen a remarkable market for Major Sticker sales, with significant returns over the years. This article explores the total returns on various Counter-Strike Major Stickers from different tournaments, analyzing their initial sale prices and current market values.

Copenhagen 2024
The Contenders, Legends, and Challengers stickers from the Copenhagen 2024 Major are currently on sale for $0.25 each. As the latest addition to the CS2 Major sticker lineup, their market performance is yet to be determined. Players and collectors are watching closely to see if these stickers will appreciate like some of their predecessors.

Paris 2023
The Contenders, Legends, and Challengers stickers from the Paris 2023 Major were initially sold for $0.25 each. Currently, these stickers are priced at $0.11 each, resulting in a loss of $0.14 per sticker, which translates to a -56% return. This drop illustrates the volatility and risk involved in the sticker market, where not all investments yield positive returns.

Rio 2022
The Rio 2022 Major introduced Contenders, Legends, and Challengers stickers, each initially sold for $0.25. The current prices are $0.24 for Contenders, $0.19 for Legends, and $0.18 for Challengers. This reflects returns of -$0.01 (-4%), -$0.06 (-24%), and -$0.07 (-28%) per sticker, respectively. The relatively minor losses for Contenders indicate a closer value retention than Legends and Challengers.

Antwerp 2022
For the Antwerp 2022 Major, the Legends stickers have appreciated significantly from $0.25 to $0.45, resulting in a +$0.20 per sticker return (+80%). Contenders stickers are now $0.36, up by $0.11 (+44%), and Challengers stickers are $0.27, showing an increase of $0.02 per sticker (+8%). These increases suggest a growing interest and potential for higher returns from this Major's stickers.

Stockholm 2021
The Stockholm 2021 Major saw a significant appreciation in sticker values. Legends stickers have risen from $0.25 to $0.67, a 168% increase. Challengers have jumped from $0.25 to $2.45, an 880% rise, and Contenders from $0.25 to $2.17, marking a 768% increase. This surge underscores the potential for substantial returns, especially for stickers from well-received events.

Berlin 2019
For the Berlin 2019 Major, the Holo-Foil stickers were initially $1.50. The current prices are $1.24 for Legends, $1.26 for Minor Challengers, and $1.82 for Returning Challengers. This results in returns of -$0.26 (-17%), -$0.24 (-16%), and +$0.32 (+21%), respectively. Despite the mixed returns, the overall trend shows a tendency for Holo-Foil stickers to hold or slightly increase in value.

Katowice 2019
The Katowice 2019 Major Holo-Foil stickers have shown impressive returns. Legends stickers are now $7.89, up from $1.50, a 426% increase. Minor Challengers have risen to $9.77, a 551% increase, and Returning Challengers to $6.30, a 320% increase. The significant appreciation of these stickers highlights the strong market demand and collectible value.

London 2018
The London 2018 Major Holo-Foil stickers started at $1.50 each. Legends are now priced at $14.80, an 887% increase, Minor Challengers at $14.14, an 842% rise, and Returning Challengers at $11.90, a 693% increase. These figures demonstrate the enduring popularity and investment potential of stickers from this Major.

Boston 2018
Boston 2018 Major Holo-Foil stickers have seen extraordinary returns. Legends are now $239.70, an astronomical increase of 15,880%. Attending Legends have risen to $25, a 1,567% increase, Minor Challengers to $195.81, a 12,921% rise, Minor Challengers with Flash Gaming to $29.01, a 1,834% increase, and Returning Challengers to $36.80, a 2,353% increase. These returns are a testament to the exceptional demand for stickers from this Major.

Krakow 2017
The Krakow 2017 Major Holo-Foil stickers initially sold for $1.50. Legends are now valued at $12.85, a 757% increase, and Challengers at $20.58, a 1,272% rise. The significant appreciation of these stickers underscores the lucrative potential of investing in Major stickers from this period.

Atlanta 2017
For the Atlanta 2017 Major, Holo-Foil stickers also saw significant appreciation. Legends stickers are now $75.26, a 4,917% increase, and Challengers $67.97, a 4,431% rise. These substantial gains highlight the high investment potential for stickers from this Major.

Cologne 2016
Cologne 2016 Major Holo-Foil stickers, initially $1.50, are now $25.46 for Legends, marking a 1,597% increase, and $32.43 for Challengers, a 2,062% rise. These figures demonstrate the strong market demand and high returns associated with stickers from this Major.

Columbus 2016
The Columbus 2016 Major Holo-Foil stickers, starting at $1.25, have appreciated to $30.66 for Legends, a 2,353% increase, and $36.25 for Challengers, a 2,800% rise. The impressive returns on these stickers highlight the value of investing in Major stickers from well-regarded tournaments.

Cluj-Napoca 2015
The Cluj-Napoca 2015 Major Foil stickers began at $1.25. Legends are now $19.02, a 1,421% increase, and Challengers are $47.99, a 3,739% rise. These substantial gains illustrate the potential for high returns on stickers from this Major.

Cologne 2015
The Cologne 2015 Major Foil stickers, initially $1.25, have risen to $17.55 for Legends, a 1,304% increase, and $34.52 for Challengers, a 2,662% rise. These figures underscore the strong market demand and high returns for stickers from this Major.

Katowice 2015
Katowice 2015 Major Holo-Foil stickers started at $1.25 and have seen remarkable appreciation. Legends stickers are now $220, a 17,500% increase, and Challengers $509.70, a 40,676% rise. The exceptional returns on these stickers highlight their significant collectible value.

DreamHack 2014
DreamHack 2014 Major Holo/Foil stickers, initially $1.25, have soared to $283.16, a 22,452% increase. This substantial appreciation underscores the high demand and significant investment potential for stickers from this Major.

Cologne 2014
Cologne 2014 Major stickers started at $0.25. Legends stickers are now $78.34, a 31,236% increase, and Challengers $62.57, a 24,928% rise. These phenomenal gains highlight the potential for substantial returns on early Major stickers.

Katowice 2014
The Katowice 2014 Major stickers have shown the most astounding returns. Initially sold for $0.25, Legends stickers are now valued at $25,916.88, a 10,366,752% increase, and Challengers at $26,500, a 10,600,000% rise. These extraordinary returns emphasize these early Major stickers' incredible investment potential and collectible value.

The market for Counter-Strike Major Stickers has demonstrated tremendous potential for returns, with some stickers appreciating exponentially over time. From small initial investments, certain stickers have yielded phenomenal returns, illustrating the lucrative nature of the CS2 sticker market for savvy investors and collectors alike. The significant variations in returns also underscore the importance of careful selection and timing in maximizing investment gains in this niche market.

Publicado el en Skins & EconomyCS2